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User Information Management (12)

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Card Payment

User Register

Processing user(regular member) register of service provider

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Card Payment

Search for Member Information

Getting information of a member registered in the service

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Card Payment

Member Password Reset and Change

Resetting the member's password The API is used when a member has forgotten the password or needs to reset by entering a new password. -In case of password reset request -Change to a new password without requesting an old password -In case of password change request -After requesting for an old password, check whether it is correct, and if the password is correct, change it to a new password.

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Card Payment

Member Information Change

Changing the member information The following items are changeable. -CI (in case of change in birth of date and gender) -Birth of date -Nationality -Name -Mobile phone number -Address

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Card Payment

Membership Cancellation

Cancelling membership In case of the following cases, a member is unable to cancel the membership. -If there is a refundable coupon -Among the coupons a member gave, a coupon has not been received by the other party -If there is a point (+, -) -If there is a PLCC point -If there is an amount to be refunded -If there is a balance on the card (active card) -If there is a card suspended -If the gift a member sent is not received by the other party

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Card Payment

Checking Log in ID check

Checking member’s log in ID Used when a member has forgotten the log in ID Requesting for CI value and receive member’s log in ID

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Card Payment

Activation of Dormant Member

Activating dormant member information The conditions for inactivation to a dormant member are as below. - If there is no connection record for 1 year after the last connection - If there is no card usage for 1 year

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Search for Terms and Conditions List

Getting Terms and Conditions list - In case of a request with only `X-KM-AspId` information: Searching the list of all terms and conditions belonging to the ASP_ID - In the case of a request that includes `userId` information: Searching a list of all terms and conditions belonging to the ASP ID, including agreement status of the member for each terms and conditions

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Terms and Conditions Agreement/Withdrawal

Processing agreement or withdrawal of agreement in Terms and Conditions If the agreement to the Terms and Conditions is "true": - The list of Terms and Conditions sent for a request is agreed. If the agreement to the Terms and Conditions is "false": - The list of Terms and Conditions sent for a request is not agreed.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

CI 값으로 회원 정보 조회

CI 값으로 서비스에 가입된 회원의 정보를 확인 합니다. 회원이 아닌 경우에는 400으로 응답됩니다.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

회원 로그인 ID 중복 확인

로그인 ID, 휴대폰번호로 기 가입된 회원 정보가 있는지 중복 여부를 확인하는 API 입니다. 회원 로그인 ID로 요청하는 경우 : 중복 회원 로그인 ID의 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 휴대폰 번호로 요청하는 경우 : 중복 휴대 전화번호 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 로그인 ID & 휴대 전화번호 요청하는 경우 : 중복 회원 로그인 ID 또는 중복 휴대 전화번호 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 ID & 회원 로그인 ID 요청하는 경우 : 회원 로그인 ID 중복 확인 후, 회원 ID와 일치하는 경우 정상 응답 처리

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회원 비밀번호 검증

회원에게 설정된 비밀번호(6자리)를 검증할 수 있습니다.

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User Account Management (10)
Card Payment

Financial Institution List Inquiry

It is an API for querying the list of banks and securities firms where accounts can be linked.

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Card Payment

Real Name Verification for Account holder

Checking whether the member's name and the account holder's name entered are the same. * Account register A member should register a withdrawal account in order to charge the card. The following two steps are needed. 1. Verification of the real name of the account holder 2. ARS authentication The account will be registered and the prepaid card will be charged from your account.

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Card Payment

Authentication code generation before ARS authentication.

An authentication code for ARS authentication is generated for account registration An authentication code for the ARS authentication is generated as the second step of account registration In the ARS authentication process, the user hears the authentication code through ARS and enters the code into the app. In this process, the user can input the authentication code more accurately on the app by sending the code via voice message and showing it on the screen.

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Bank account registration via PG

A member's account is registered via PG An account will be registered or an account already registered will be changed to a new account. ARS authentication It is verified that a member correctly enters the authentication code displayed on a mobile screen according to the guidance of ARS. ARS authentication voice files are recorded and used as data for consent to withdrawal and transfer Account registration A member must register a withdrawal account to charge the card. To do this, the following two steps are needed. 1. Verification of the real name of the account holder 2. ARS authentication The account will be registered and the prepaid card will be charged from your account PG receives the ARS authentication code from the member, verifies the authentication code (ARS authentication), delivers the response code to the core system, and requests account registration information from the PG. If the ARS authentication is valid, after answering ("000"), ARS certification call will be made to the member’s phone number and the withdrawal transfer account will be registered. (Asynchronous)

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Card Payment

Search for Account Registration Status

Checking the account registration status After ARS authentication, the registration status of the registered account can be searched.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Balance Limit Increase(Individual card)

After verifying the member's real-name authentication and connected bank account information, we process the card's real-name registration and credit limit increase. "Real-name registration"? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, which is originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

회원 등록 계좌 조회

회원에게 등록된 계좌를 조회할 수 있는 API 입니다.

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Card Payment

회원 계좌 정보 조회

회원의 등록된 계좌 정보를 조회하기 위한 API 입니다. 응답 데이터 중, bankAccForAutoRcg 에 계좌 정보가 존재할 경우, 자동 충전 설정을 할 수 습니다.. 응답 데이터 중, isAutoRcgAccRegAllowed 는, 자동 충전을 위한 추가 적인 계좌 등록 작업 필요 여부를 나타냅니다. 만일, isAutoRcgAccRegAllowed 가 true일 경우, 은행 계좌를 통한 자동 충전을 설정하기 위해, 2.1.5. 자동 충전 계좌 등록 API를 호출하여, 자동 충전 계좌 등록을 해야 한다. 자동 충전 계좌 등록은, 일반 충전 계좌 등록을 한 상태에서만 가능합니다.

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자동충전 계좌 등록

자동충전을 설정하기 위해 회원의 계좌를 등록할 수 있는 API 입니다. 기존에 인증 및 등록된 계좌를 검증 후 자동충전을 위해 재등록하는 절차입니다.

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Card Payment

회원 계좌 삭제

회원에게 등록된 충전 계좌 정보를 삭제하기 위한 API 입니다.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Pre-paid Card Management (18)
Card Payment

Application for Issuance and Delivery of Prepaid Card

If a member wants to select, issue and receive a prepaid card, delivery is processed to the requested address.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Cancellation of Card Application

The card requested by the member will be cancelled. Card application can be canceled on the same day that the card is applied (application date). Card application cannot be canceled if the mobile card has been used. When a card application is canceled, the issued mobile card is automatically discarded.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Reissuance of Prepaid Card (Replacement Issuance)

If a member wants to reissue and receive the prepaid card selected, delivery is processed to the requested address. Depending on the policy, a reissuance fee may be charged to the member upon request for reissuance. Card reissuance is allowed in the following case. - The card that the user has registered is lost (suspended)

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Reissuance & Renewal of Prepaid Card to be Expired

Reissuing a prepaid card that are due to expire and processing delivery to the requested address For certain card products, members may be charged a fee for reissuance. Card reissuance is allowed in the following case. - If the card the user has registered for expires within one month

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Search for Card Delivery Status

Searching card delivery status

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Search for Mobile Card Application Information Linkable to Physical Card

(Member) Before registering a physical card, a member can search for mobile card information that can be linked to the card(pre-issued card). A member can check the information of the mobile card that has been issued when he or she applies for a physical card or apply for reissuance. The response "cardApplyNo" is used as an input value when registering a physical card. What is an application for a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute? (New) When a member applies for a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute: When applying, a mobile card is issued first and then a physical card is delivered. (Reissuance) If the card to be reissued is a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute: When applying for reissuance, the mobile card is issued first, the balance is transferred to the newly issued mobile card, and then the physical card is delivered. A mobile card is a mobile-only card that can be used without a physical card, and the user can link the mobile card to the physical card after receiving the physical card.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Physical Card Registration

Registering a physical card in the member's app. Applied to prepaid cards The following scenarios occur in physical card registration. ① Registration of prepaid card with pre-issuance attribute: A mobile card is issued first and the physical card is delivered and registered. When the member registers a physical card, it is linked to the issued mobile card. However, the physical card to be registered must not have transaction history, and if there is transaction history, case ② will be applied. ② Registration of a prepaid card that is not a pre-issuance attribute: If it is not a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute, a mobile card is not issued at the time of application. When the prepaid card is registered, a mobile card is issued and it is registered by being linked to the physical card. ③ Registration of a physical card for the card applied for reissuance: If a member applies for reissuance of a prepaid card with pre-issuance attributes, a mobile card is issued first when he or she applies for reissuance, the balance is transferred to the newly issued mobile card, and the physical card is delivered. If the member registers the delivered physical card, it will be linked to the issued mobile card. If the prepaid card applied for reissuance is not a pre-issuance attributes, a mobile card is issued when registering the physical card, the balance is transferred from the old card to the newly issued mobile card, and the physical card is registered. ④Registration of the prepaid card on the mobile card to be linked to the debit card: When registering a debit card, he physical card is linked to the mobile card issued.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Search for Card

The list of cards held by a member and card information are provided as follows. • Card product information • Balance information • Expiry date • Card status • Card number • Payment limits • Point • Linked accounts (for debit card)

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Unregistered card inquiry

Inquire a card that is not registered to a member. It can be inquired through the card number, expiration date, and CVC of the card.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Modification of the Card’s State

Modifying the state of the card to lost (suspension) or termination of being lost (suspension).

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Discarding a Card

Discarding the registered card that belongs to a member. In case you discard the card, all the actual card linked to the mobile card will be discarded and will no longer be used. You are not able to discard the card in the following cases: - In case there is balance left - In case there is a point left in the card - The card in the process of remittance (there is the amount sent but the 2nd person did not accept it) - In case of cancelling/refunding the charge (the amount has not been paid after applying for cancellation/refund)

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Balance Limit Increase(Individual card)

After verifying the member's real-name authentication and connected bank account information, we process the card's real-name registration and credit limit increase. "Real-name registration"? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, which is originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Balance Limit Increase(Coporate card)

After verifying the corporate information, we process the corporate real-name registration and credit limit increase for the card. Real-name registration? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Inquiry of Coporate Card Identification Status

It is an API for Checking Corporate Identity Verification Status of the Card.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Applying For Income Tax Deduction

Applying for income tax deduction on the card belongs to the member

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Inquiry of Card Tax Deduction Status

It is an API for Checking the Tax Deduction Application Status of a Specific Card.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Card-User Mapped Inquiry

This is an API for querying balance information and member information mapped to a card number of a mobile card or a physical card.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Card Product ID Inquiry

This is an API for querying product information, such as the product name, using the card product ID.

  • Pre-paid Card
Recharge (5)
Card Payment

Issuance of Disposable Token

Requesting the issuance of a disposable Token to process payment/charge with a mobile card and an actual card number. The valid time of the issued Token is 30 seconds, and the payment/charge must be completed within 30 seconds.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment


Charging the balance of the prepaid card using the account registered by a member. (Charging) A one-time token for transaction data should be issued.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Cancellation of Charge

Used to cancel a charging transaction from the member's account. The canceled amount will be deducted from the card balance and transferred to the member's registered account on the next day of the cancellation request.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Checking Result of Charge & Cancellation of Charge

Checking the result of charging and cancellation of charge to the balance of the prepaid card from the account registered as a member

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Checking Transaction History

Checking transaction history of the card secured by a member

  • Pre-paid Card

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API Group Features

Search results (45)

User Information Management (12)
Card Payment

User Register

Processing user(regular member) register of service provider

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Search for Member Information

Getting information of a member registered in the service

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Member Password Reset and Change

Resetting the member's password The API is used when a member has forgotten the password or needs to reset by entering a new password. -In case of password reset request -Change to a new password without requesting an old password -In case of password change request -After requesting for an old password, check whether it is correct, and if the password is correct, change it to a new password.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Member Information Change

Changing the member information The following items are changeable. -CI (in case of change in birth of date and gender) -Birth of date -Nationality -Name -Mobile phone number -Address

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Membership Cancellation

Cancelling membership In case of the following cases, a member is unable to cancel the membership. -If there is a refundable coupon -Among the coupons a member gave, a coupon has not been received by the other party -If there is a point (+, -) -If there is a PLCC point -If there is an amount to be refunded -If there is a balance on the card (active card) -If there is a card suspended -If the gift a member sent is not received by the other party

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Checking Log in ID check

Checking member’s log in ID Used when a member has forgotten the log in ID Requesting for CI value and receive member’s log in ID

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Activation of Dormant Member

Activating dormant member information The conditions for inactivation to a dormant member are as below. - If there is no connection record for 1 year after the last connection - If there is no card usage for 1 year

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Search for Terms and Conditions List

Getting Terms and Conditions list - In case of a request with only `X-KM-AspId` information: Searching the list of all terms and conditions belonging to the ASP_ID - In the case of a request that includes `userId` information: Searching a list of all terms and conditions belonging to the ASP ID, including agreement status of the member for each terms and conditions

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Terms and Conditions Agreement/Withdrawal

Processing agreement or withdrawal of agreement in Terms and Conditions If the agreement to the Terms and Conditions is "true": - The list of Terms and Conditions sent for a request is agreed. If the agreement to the Terms and Conditions is "false": - The list of Terms and Conditions sent for a request is not agreed.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

CI 값으로 회원 정보 조회

CI 값으로 서비스에 가입된 회원의 정보를 확인 합니다. 회원이 아닌 경우에는 400으로 응답됩니다.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

회원 로그인 ID 중복 확인

로그인 ID, 휴대폰번호로 기 가입된 회원 정보가 있는지 중복 여부를 확인하는 API 입니다. 회원 로그인 ID로 요청하는 경우 : 중복 회원 로그인 ID의 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 휴대폰 번호로 요청하는 경우 : 중복 휴대 전화번호 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 로그인 ID & 휴대 전화번호 요청하는 경우 : 중복 회원 로그인 ID 또는 중복 휴대 전화번호 회원을 확인 합니다. 회원 ID & 회원 로그인 ID 요청하는 경우 : 회원 로그인 ID 중복 확인 후, 회원 ID와 일치하는 경우 정상 응답 처리

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Card Payment

회원 비밀번호 검증

회원에게 설정된 비밀번호(6자리)를 검증할 수 있습니다.

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  • Debit Card
User Account Management (10)
Card Payment

Financial Institution List Inquiry

It is an API for querying the list of banks and securities firms where accounts can be linked.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Real Name Verification for Account holder

Checking whether the member's name and the account holder's name entered are the same. * Account register A member should register a withdrawal account in order to charge the card. The following two steps are needed. 1. Verification of the real name of the account holder 2. ARS authentication The account will be registered and the prepaid card will be charged from your account.

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Card Payment

Authentication code generation before ARS authentication.

An authentication code for ARS authentication is generated for account registration An authentication code for the ARS authentication is generated as the second step of account registration In the ARS authentication process, the user hears the authentication code through ARS and enters the code into the app. In this process, the user can input the authentication code more accurately on the app by sending the code via voice message and showing it on the screen.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Bank account registration via PG

A member's account is registered via PG An account will be registered or an account already registered will be changed to a new account. ARS authentication It is verified that a member correctly enters the authentication code displayed on a mobile screen according to the guidance of ARS. ARS authentication voice files are recorded and used as data for consent to withdrawal and transfer Account registration A member must register a withdrawal account to charge the card. To do this, the following two steps are needed. 1. Verification of the real name of the account holder 2. ARS authentication The account will be registered and the prepaid card will be charged from your account PG receives the ARS authentication code from the member, verifies the authentication code (ARS authentication), delivers the response code to the core system, and requests account registration information from the PG. If the ARS authentication is valid, after answering ("000"), ARS certification call will be made to the member’s phone number and the withdrawal transfer account will be registered. (Asynchronous)

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  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Search for Account Registration Status

Checking the account registration status After ARS authentication, the registration status of the registered account can be searched.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

Balance Limit Increase(Individual card)

After verifying the member's real-name authentication and connected bank account information, we process the card's real-name registration and credit limit increase. "Real-name registration"? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, which is originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Card Payment

회원 등록 계좌 조회

회원에게 등록된 계좌를 조회할 수 있는 API 입니다.

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Card Payment

회원 계좌 정보 조회

회원의 등록된 계좌 정보를 조회하기 위한 API 입니다. 응답 데이터 중, bankAccForAutoRcg 에 계좌 정보가 존재할 경우, 자동 충전 설정을 할 수 습니다.. 응답 데이터 중, isAutoRcgAccRegAllowed 는, 자동 충전을 위한 추가 적인 계좌 등록 작업 필요 여부를 나타냅니다. 만일, isAutoRcgAccRegAllowed 가 true일 경우, 은행 계좌를 통한 자동 충전을 설정하기 위해, 2.1.5. 자동 충전 계좌 등록 API를 호출하여, 자동 충전 계좌 등록을 해야 한다. 자동 충전 계좌 등록은, 일반 충전 계좌 등록을 한 상태에서만 가능합니다.

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Card Payment

자동충전 계좌 등록

자동충전을 설정하기 위해 회원의 계좌를 등록할 수 있는 API 입니다. 기존에 인증 및 등록된 계좌를 검증 후 자동충전을 위해 재등록하는 절차입니다.

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Card Payment

회원 계좌 삭제

회원에게 등록된 충전 계좌 정보를 삭제하기 위한 API 입니다.

  • Pre-paid Card
  • Debit Card
Pre-paid Card Management (18)
Card Payment

Application for Issuance and Delivery of Prepaid Card

If a member wants to select, issue and receive a prepaid card, delivery is processed to the requested address.

  • Pre-paid Card
Card Payment

Cancellation of Card Application

The card requested by the member will be cancelled. Card application can be canceled on the same day that the card is applied (application date). Card application cannot be canceled if the mobile card has been used. When a card application is canceled, the issued mobile card is automatically discarded.

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Card Payment

Reissuance of Prepaid Card (Replacement Issuance)

If a member wants to reissue and receive the prepaid card selected, delivery is processed to the requested address. Depending on the policy, a reissuance fee may be charged to the member upon request for reissuance. Card reissuance is allowed in the following case. - The card that the user has registered is lost (suspended)

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Reissuance & Renewal of Prepaid Card to be Expired

Reissuing a prepaid card that are due to expire and processing delivery to the requested address For certain card products, members may be charged a fee for reissuance. Card reissuance is allowed in the following case. - If the card the user has registered for expires within one month

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Search for Card Delivery Status

Searching card delivery status

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Card Payment

Search for Mobile Card Application Information Linkable to Physical Card

(Member) Before registering a physical card, a member can search for mobile card information that can be linked to the card(pre-issued card). A member can check the information of the mobile card that has been issued when he or she applies for a physical card or apply for reissuance. The response "cardApplyNo" is used as an input value when registering a physical card. What is an application for a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute? (New) When a member applies for a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute: When applying, a mobile card is issued first and then a physical card is delivered. (Reissuance) If the card to be reissued is a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute: When applying for reissuance, the mobile card is issued first, the balance is transferred to the newly issued mobile card, and then the physical card is delivered. A mobile card is a mobile-only card that can be used without a physical card, and the user can link the mobile card to the physical card after receiving the physical card.

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Card Payment

Physical Card Registration

Registering a physical card in the member's app. Applied to prepaid cards The following scenarios occur in physical card registration. ① Registration of prepaid card with pre-issuance attribute: A mobile card is issued first and the physical card is delivered and registered. When the member registers a physical card, it is linked to the issued mobile card. However, the physical card to be registered must not have transaction history, and if there is transaction history, case ② will be applied. ② Registration of a prepaid card that is not a pre-issuance attribute: If it is not a prepaid card with a pre-issuance attribute, a mobile card is not issued at the time of application. When the prepaid card is registered, a mobile card is issued and it is registered by being linked to the physical card. ③ Registration of a physical card for the card applied for reissuance: If a member applies for reissuance of a prepaid card with pre-issuance attributes, a mobile card is issued first when he or she applies for reissuance, the balance is transferred to the newly issued mobile card, and the physical card is delivered. If the member registers the delivered physical card, it will be linked to the issued mobile card. If the prepaid card applied for reissuance is not a pre-issuance attributes, a mobile card is issued when registering the physical card, the balance is transferred from the old card to the newly issued mobile card, and the physical card is registered. ④Registration of the prepaid card on the mobile card to be linked to the debit card: When registering a debit card, he physical card is linked to the mobile card issued.

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Card Payment

Search for Card

The list of cards held by a member and card information are provided as follows. • Card product information • Balance information • Expiry date • Card status • Card number • Payment limits • Point • Linked accounts (for debit card)

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Unregistered card inquiry

Inquire a card that is not registered to a member. It can be inquired through the card number, expiration date, and CVC of the card.

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Modification of the Card’s State

Modifying the state of the card to lost (suspension) or termination of being lost (suspension).

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Discarding a Card

Discarding the registered card that belongs to a member. In case you discard the card, all the actual card linked to the mobile card will be discarded and will no longer be used. You are not able to discard the card in the following cases: - In case there is balance left - In case there is a point left in the card - The card in the process of remittance (there is the amount sent but the 2nd person did not accept it) - In case of cancelling/refunding the charge (the amount has not been paid after applying for cancellation/refund)

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Balance Limit Increase(Individual card)

After verifying the member's real-name authentication and connected bank account information, we process the card's real-name registration and credit limit increase. "Real-name registration"? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, which is originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

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Balance Limit Increase(Coporate card)

After verifying the corporate information, we process the corporate real-name registration and credit limit increase for the card. Real-name registration? It refers to the act of identifying the user of a prepaid electronic payment means, originally issued anonymously, through methods defined by law, such as 'real-name authentication' or 'connecting with a bank account.' For cards that are not real-name registered, the maximum balance limit is set at 500,000 KRW. Once real-name registration is completed, the balance limit can be increased up to 2,000,000 KRW. The balance limit after real-name registration is policy-driven and can be set within 2,000,000 KRW.

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Inquiry of Coporate Card Identification Status

It is an API for Checking Corporate Identity Verification Status of the Card.

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Applying For Income Tax Deduction

Applying for income tax deduction on the card belongs to the member

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Inquiry of Card Tax Deduction Status

It is an API for Checking the Tax Deduction Application Status of a Specific Card.

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Card-User Mapped Inquiry

This is an API for querying balance information and member information mapped to a card number of a mobile card or a physical card.

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Card Product ID Inquiry

This is an API for querying product information, such as the product name, using the card product ID.

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Recharge (5)
Card Payment

Issuance of Disposable Token

Requesting the issuance of a disposable Token to process payment/charge with a mobile card and an actual card number. The valid time of the issued Token is 30 seconds, and the payment/charge must be completed within 30 seconds.

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Card Payment


Charging the balance of the prepaid card using the account registered by a member. (Charging) A one-time token for transaction data should be issued.

  • Pre-paid Card
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Cancellation of Charge

Used to cancel a charging transaction from the member's account. The canceled amount will be deducted from the card balance and transferred to the member's registered account on the next day of the cancellation request.

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Checking Result of Charge & Cancellation of Charge

Checking the result of charging and cancellation of charge to the balance of the prepaid card from the account registered as a member

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Checking Transaction History

Checking transaction history of the card secured by a member

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