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Common HTTP Header

The HTTP header contains meta-information describing the REST API requests and request data sent to the web server of KONA PLATE.
Also, the request URL and KONA PLATE's ASP ID are included.
When using KONA PLATE's Open API, you must also include the key value issued to the project.

Request Header

Field Type Lenth MOC Description
- This is the ID given to the affiliate of KONA PLATE.
- For sandbox projects, a common ASP ID is given.
- Through a separate contract, a unique ASP ID will be given when creating a commercial project.
X-KM-Correlation-Id STRING 20 MANDATORY Transaction number for professional tracking
- Format : yyMMddHH24mmss-xxxxxxx
- xxxxxxx : 7characters, Hex String
X-KM-Access-Key STRING 40 CONDITIONAL Access Key Created by Project
- Excluded for Callback API
X-KM-Crypto-Key-Id STRING 32 OPTIONAL Data Encryption Key
- The ID given when the affiliate creates the project.
- Required input value when requesting data encryption (Data Encryption = Y)
X-KM-Tran-Token STRING 66 MANDATORY Data integrity check key
- Check data integrity.
- See this guide for more information
X-KM-Tran-Time STRING 14 MANDATORY Client request time
- Format : yyyyMMddHHmmss
X-KM-Time-Zone STRING 3 MANDATORY Time Zone Information
- UTC, KST ...


Response Header

필드 타입 길이 MOC 설명
X-KM-Correlation-Id STRING 20 MANDATORY Transaction number for professional tracking
- Format : yyMMddHH24mmss-xxxxxxx
- xxxxxxx : 7characters, Hex String
X-KM-Crypto-Key-Id STRING 32 OPTIONAL Data Encryption Key
- The ID given when the affiliate creates the project.
- When forwarded to Callback, use the first key issued.